An amazing show with a bunch of hits and a few misses
✅ = good episode
➖ = mid episode
❌ = bad episode

White Christmas ✅
USS Callister ✅
Playtest ✅
Nosedive ✅
The Entire History of You ✅
San Junipero ✅
Be Right Back ✅
Metalhead ✅
Fifteen Million Merits ✅
Crocodile ✅
Hang the DJ ✅
Black Museum ✅
Striking Vipers ✅
Hated in the Nation ✅
Men Against Fire ➖
Smithereens ➖
Shut Up and Dance ➖
The National Anthem ➖
Arkangel ❌
Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too ❌
The Waldo Moment ❌
White Bear ❌