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Writer's pictureAndrew Stewart

Top 75 Game Of Thrones Characters

Updated: Feb 25, 2023

This show has an unbelievable amount of amazing characters

  1. Tyrion Lannister

  2. Cersei Lannister

  3. Jon Snow

  4. Petyr Baelish

  5. Sansa Stark

  6. Arya Stark

  7. Samwell Tarly

  8. Jaime Lannister

  9. The Hound

  10. Ramsay Bolton

  11. Tywin Lannister

  12. Braun

  13. Joffrey Baratheon

  14. Varys

  15. Olenna Tyrell

  16. Daenerys Targaryen

  17. Davos Seaworth

  18. Jorah Mormont

  19. The Night King

  20. Theon Greyjoy

  21. Brienne of Tarth

  22. Hodor

  23. Eddard Stark

  24. Margaery Tyrell

  25. Robb Stark

  26. Catelyn Stark

  27. Melisandre

  28. Brandon Stark

  29. Tormund Giantsbane

  30. Missandei

  31. Podrick Payne

  32. Stannis Baratheon

  33. Ygritte

  34. Maester Pycelle

  35. Gilly

  36. Robert Baratheon

  37. Oberyn Martell

  38. Walder Frey

  39. Grey Worm

  40. Mance Rayder

  41. Roose Bolton

  42. Jaqen H’Ghar

  43. Daario Naharis

  44. Khal Drogo

  45. Qyburn

  46. Maester Aemon

  47. Yara Greyjoy

  48. Maester Lewin

  49. Shae

  50. Gendry

  51. The High Sparrow

  52. Edd Tollett

  53. Jeor Mormont

  54. Lysa Arryn

  55. Alliser Thorne

  56. Shireen Baratheon

  57. Tommen Baratheon

  58. Lyanna Mormont

  59. Osha

  60. Gregor Clegane

  61. Barristan Selmy

  62. Balon Greyjoy

  63. Renly Baratheon

  64. Euron Greyjoy

  65. Ros

  66. Talisa Stark

  67. Hot Pie

  68. Ellaria Sand

  69. Loras Tyrell

  70. Meera Reed

  71. Wun Wun

  72. Craster

  73. Syrio Forel

  74. Beric Dondarrion

  75. Thoros of Myr

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